If you've read "A Message From Jenn" you know we are pretty passionate about sound healing.
We have a new class at HPYS that is dedicated to movement and sound.
Self Care and Sound Healing with Lyra
Do you feel tired? Overwhelmed? Stressed? Anxious? Exhausted?
You have the power within you to transform these states as well as improve your health, mood, and increase feelings of wellness and inner peace. Join Lyra on Sundays at 5pm as we indulge in tapping, breathing, gentle movement, and clearing techniques, enjoy a live sound healing relaxation, and luxuriate in simple humming/sounding practices to nourish your nervous system.
Allow the vibration of sound to shift and lift you out of the darkness and into the light!
Lyra Yarrow is a Shamanic Practitioner who has a passion for sharing healing via craniosacral therapy, somatic movement, conscious embodiment, meditation, yoga, and sound healing.